Github Pages Your Site Is Having Problems Building Unable to Build Page Please Try Again Later

How to force GitHub Pages build?

Solution 1: [one]

From GitHub back up, 2014-06-07:

Information technology's not currently possible to manually trigger a rebuild, without pushing a commit to the appropriate branch.


Equally Andy pointed out in the comments, you tin can push an empty commit with the command:

                git commit -m 'rebuild pages' --let-empty git push origin <co-operative-proper noun>                              

Edit 2:

Thank you to GitHub Actions, it's fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to trigger a daily publish:

Solution ii: [2]

If you lot want a quick script solution, here it is. Just practise the following tasks only once, and run the script whenever you want to rebuild your GitHub page.

1. Create a personal access token for the command line:

  • Follow the official help here to create a personal admission token. Basically, you have to log in your GitHub business relationship and become to: Settings > Programmer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token.
  • Tick repo scope.
  • Re-create the token.

2. Create the following script:

  • Create a file called and add the lines:

                        #!/bin/bash scroll -u yourname:yourtoken -Ten Mail                                      


    • Replace yourname with your GitHub username.
    • Supplant yourtoken with your copied personal admission token.
    • Replace yourrepo with your repository name.

iii. Run the script:

  • If y'all employ Windows 10:

    • Yous demand to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux, if not already done. Follow this to do so.
    • Remove the first line (#!/bin/bash) from the script and save the script equally RebuildPage.bat. (i.east., replace .sh with .bat in the script file name)
    • Alternative to the to a higher place point: To get the double-click feature for running the .sh file:

      • Set fustigate.exe as the default program for .sh files.
      • Open up regedit.exe and edit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\bash.exe\crush\open up\control. Set the (Default) value to:

                                    "C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe" -c " \"./$(grep -oE '[^\\]+$' <<< '%L')\";"                                                      
    • At present double-click the script wheneven y'all desire to rebuild your GitHub folio. Washed!

  • If you utilize Linux/Mac, running the script is as aforementioned as running other scripts. Done!

Additional notes for the solution:

This solution utilizes a API of GitHub Rest API v3. Here is the official documentation for the API.

Solution iii: [3]

At present that GitHub Actions are bachelor, this is picayune to exercise:

                # File: .github/workflows/refresh.yml proper noun: Refresh  on:   schedule:     - cron:  '0 3 * * *' # Runs every day at 3am  jobs:   refresh:     runs-on: ubuntu-latest     steps:       - name: Trigger GitHub pages rebuild         run: |           curlicue --neglect --request Mail service \             --url${{ github.repository }}/pages/builds \             --header "Authorization: Bearer $USER_TOKEN"         env:           # You must create a personal token with repo access equally GitHub does           # not yet support server-to-server page builds.           USER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.USER_TOKEN }}                              

Sample repo that does this:

Pages API:

Solution 4: [iv]

I had this problem for a while, and pushing to master branch didn't modify anything on, for 2 reasons :

1 - Build

No thing how many time I tried to push my piece of work on chief, build would not start. I establish a workaround by modifying my file in Github online editor (open your alphabetize.html and edit information technology on Github website, then commit)

2 - Caching issues

Even afterward a successful build, I would still see the exact same folio on, and hard reloading with Ctrl + Shift + R wouldn't solve it. Instead, if using Chrome, inspect your page, caput into the Application tab, select "Clear storage" in the left card, and click on "Clear site data" at the lesser of the menu.

Solution five: [5]

Even later on I pushed my changes to GitHub repository, I was not able to meet the changes today. Then I checked my repository settings for more information, there I could see, all these times the build was failing and that was the reason I was not able to encounter the changes.

enter image description here

You may also come across a message as "Your site is having problems building: Unable to build page. Please endeavour again later."

And so I was checking my recent commits and tried to detect out what causes this upshot. At the cease I was able to set the issue.

enter image description here

There was an additional comma in the tags (,) and that caused this consequence.

enter image description here

You will non get relevant fault messages if in that location are any issues in your .md file. I recommend y'all to check for the build status and compare the changes if you lot are facing the same issue.


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